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The Year of Being Myself


“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” Aristotle


I’m on an exploration; a journey of the soul and self-actualisation. I have a deep desire to find out who I really am and experience a more authentic being. I want to relax into my own groove; reliable and trustworthy. I want to focus on what’s important and what I care about in life and be guided by those priorities.


This might sound inherently self-centred, but the objective is to be the best person I can in order to contribute more effectively in the community and in everything I do. In order to be the best person, the best partner, parent, colleague and friend, I must know who I am, what I value and what I have to offer.

Who Am I?


That which defines me, is it

creed, colour, culture?

Look at my character my

personality, nature, disposition.

Discover my roots my

DNA, genes, blood.

Sense my morality my

behaviour, thoughts, actions.

Do you see me?

Do you know me?

Who am I?



At the beginning of each year, I set aside time for self-inquiry—for reflection, introspection; and all the wondrous things I don’t normally make time for. You might do a similar thing, or perhaps set yourself some goals for the year ahead or make a new year resolution. For me, the process involves choosing one word as a contextual beacon, guiding me in the year ahead.


This year I find myself submersed in change, moving to a new house and locality, winding down paid work and expanding personal pursuits, joining new groups, making new friends and so forth. Amidst all this change and unknowing, I’m excited at the prospect of everything new and different and how this impacts my being. I’m excited about finding my place in this new world. I’m not looking to change and I’ve no desire for a new version of myself, but rather finding my groove with an older and perhaps more familiar version of myself that might lay dormant under the many hats I’ve had to wear over many years. But that begs the question, who am I?


Character is often defined by the professional roles that we play. We might ask a new acquaintance, and what do you do? We then establish an opinion about the sort of person we think they might be. It’s a question that’s ingrained into Western culture and let’s be honest, it does make a great conversation starter. But the answer to this question is by no means an indication of how we truly live our lives and certainly a shallow indication of one’s true character. I mean seriously, used-car sales, lawyer? In addition to this, there comes a point in time for all of us when we must ponder self-identity outside our professional roles, unless we intend to die in the traces of our work. Not me!


So, beyond my working life, how do I show up in the world? What is my unique view, what am I good at or bad at, how do I engage with my community, what do I do for fun, what do I believe in, what do I love and who do I love? The answers to these questions must surely be at the heart of who I am - my core and true self. And in knowing this, I will always have a place to centre myself during life’s ups and downs.


You have no need to travel anywhere. Journey within yourself, enter a mine of rubies and bathe in the splendour of your own light.” Rumi


In accepting the challenge of Choosing One Word to represent the year ahead, I was in search for something that represented:

  • travelling my own path,

  • uncovering the true self, and

  • being the best version of myself.


My Word for 2021 - Myself

Principles I Choose to Live By.

Be myself – compare myself to no-one, accept my uniqueness as my greatest gift and follow my own path.

Be authentic – pay attention, speak truthfully, and act creatively.

Continue to discover – to uncover novel things about myself and to grow and develop.


You’ll find me looking out to sea. I recently found an early school report and the teacher’s final comment was, she spends too much time looking out to sea. Well, that’s just me, the way I am. That’s how I think and where I find my creative space. I embrace my weaknesses in the same way that I embrace my strengths. Don’t be like that teacher and think you have to change me.


You’ll find me covered in dirt. Yes, really, I’ll be out in the garden and driving the mower, and planting, pruning weeding. Not because I have an infinity for gardening, but because I find the physical connection to the earth and nature to be therapeutic, rewarding and very grounding. And because I have a big garden.


You’ll find me trying new things. Things both you and I you thought I might never be capable of, things you and I thought I might not be interested in. But why not? Imagine what I might learn about myself.


Projects for 2021

My main goal is to broaden by creative output:

  • A bigger photography capability, learning more about the use of light and shade and low-key photography for starters.


  • Continue to develop Curious White Space and see what else I can do with it.


Embodying Myself

Expect to see me dressed as myself. I hear you thinking, what does she mean by that? If I dress up glam and wear makeup, it’s because I want to. It’s not to impress you. You are more likely to find me not glammed up and without makeup. Simple.


You Can Help Me

You can check-in with me at any time. I’d be grateful for you to look out for me, to keep me honest and to my word. I’d love for you to let me know if you think I’m not living up to the expectations of Myself. Please, just let me know!


To thine own self be true. Shakespeare

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