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The Wars of the Roses

The Plantagenet King Henry was weak of mind

His Lancastrian court ruled by a Queen unkind

Not a suitable heir or spare waits in line

A claimant would seize the crown in time

The Kings incapacity to rule by hand

Caused unrest across the land

A Protector of the Realm would be appointed

The Duke of York therefore anointed

An unpopular choice for the unruly court

For the Duke's reputation had falling short

When from ill health the King recovered

The Duke's disloyalty was soon discovered

The feuding cousins prepared for war

Dynastic forces not witnessed before

A red rose for Lancaster and for York a white

The nobles would choose one and then they would fight

The Battle of St Albans was fought without shame

The Duke was victorious but had not won the game

The fighting continued 'til he captured the King

But the unkind Queen would not give in

Horns locked at Wakefield and the Yorks won

But the Duke died and the crown seized by his son

Edward of York proclaimed King of England, for now

Though a handsome young King would not end the row

The Earl of Warwick, maker of Kings

Fought supremely at Towton, another York win

But a "turncoat" the Kingmaker would soon become

Gave the crown back to Henry and told Edward to run

Soon Edward returned with a small army at hand

At the Battle of Barnet, he was able to command

He fought triumphantly, could not be outrun

And that's where the Kingmaker came undone

King Edward wedded a bewitching wife

Producing an heir was her duty, her life

Because trouble was kindling in the Lancaster House

And a boy would be needed to keep them all out

The tenacious Lancastrians had not given up the fight

At the Battle of Tewkesbury, they fought through the night

But the Queen was captured and her son, he fell

King Henry was murdered, now in heaven or hell

To the throne remained one Lancastrian claim

The Earl of Richmond, Henry Tudor by name

He had no choice but to flee 'cross the channel

To establish an army and bring it to battle

The York King Edward now reigning supreme

For twenty-two years with his bewitching Queen

Two sons, heirs, gifts from his wife

Would be young boys when the King lost his life

The Kings brother Richard swore the boys protected

In the tower he kept them while his loyalty defected

He claimed they were bastards and he was the heir

The boys in the tower, gone, and no one knows where

War is coming, like it or not

The usurper York King needed to plot

Henry wanted his crown, and with good reason

The King wanted to battle and charge him with treason

At the Battle of Bosworth, in the stench of war

The cousins were merciless, violent and raw

The King fell from his horse, hitting the earth

The white rose wilted and died in the dirt

The Battle at Bosworth would be the last

The wars of the roses would come to pass

Henry Tudor seized the crown for his head

Long live the King, they all said

The new King Henry from the Lancaster House

Took the York Princess Elizabeth for his spouse

Joining of the red and the white for the future

And so began the House of Tudor


The Wars of the Roses is one of my favourite British History stories. While it's a complicated tale, the following YouTube clip provides a simple yet comprehensive explanation.

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