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Virtual Envy

I breathe emptiness, self-loathing

I have no shame

The lurgy of social media

They call me Envy by name


Inspired by a narrative

A virtual reputation

I’m curating your persona

Your online conversation


Your voyeuristic scrolling

Makes my work a breeze

I lure you into greener grass

With simplicity and ease


The untrue Insta’ images

Propaganda Photoshopped

Your lips are not as plump as hers

Your bottom surely cropped


Your friends are posting pictures

At a party, at the Louvre

They’re on the go, they’re moving up

Come on, what about you?


Their children are so beautiful

Their avatar’s so bright

You need to check your styling

Get your camera angles right


Will you share your nakedness

A digital incarnation

Get more “likes”, win more hearts



Sign-up, log-in, fake-news

Because everybody lies 

Compare your friends on Facebook

Happiness in disguise

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